The Apprenticeship Journey

Starting an apprenticeship is an exciting and challenging undertaking. We have summarised some of the main aspects of the apprenticeship journey below.

A Timeline Of The Full Apprenticeship Process

1: Within 48 Hours Of Enrolment

The apprentice must complete the application form attaching relevant identification  and certificates, including any residency permits or E-Visa details.

2: 1-2 Weeks

The apprentice will attend a live initial assessment session for maths & English (self-directed if exempt).

3: Within 48 Hours Of The Assessment

The apprentice will sign their commitment and apprenticeship agreement.

4: 1-2 Weeks After The Assessment

The apprentice will attend their induction, which will start them on their programme.

5: 4-6 Weeks After The Induction

The apprentice, the line-manager and their allocated coach from Dynamic Training will have a planning meeting, creating a bespoke programme together to meet the apprentice's needs.

6: 4-6 Weeks From The Induction

The apprentice will attend the orientation session, which will show them more about the systems and processes.

7: Monthly From Month 2 Onwards

The apprentice will join taught and/or coaching sessions (including functional skills if applicable).

8: Final 3 Months

The apprentice will prepare for their end point assessment.

9: Completion

The apprentice will complete their assessment, receive their grade, and celebrate their achievement.

Next Steps - Exploring Apprenticeships

About Apprenticeships
Apprenticeship Learners

How do apprenticeships work? What is required from employers and the apprentices themselves during the apprenticeship process?

Let us answer all your questions about apprenticeships, the apprenticeship process and how to enrol staff onto an apprenticeship programme.

Our Apprenticeship Programmes
Training Workshop

Dynamic Training has an expert team of trainers delivering high-quality apprenticeships across the health, social care and business sectors, making sure you get the best out of your workforce.

Accessible Apprenticeships
Accessible Apprenticeships

Dynamic Training cares deeply about creating an inclusive and accessible enviroment for our learners. We have a proud record of getting the best out of every learner and adjusting our training to suit them.

Learn more about how Dynamic Training has worked to make all of its training as inclusive as possible.

Off-The-Job Training
Apprenticeship Learner At Computer

What is Off-The-Job Training in the Apprenticeship process? Lets explain how Apprentices balance their day-to-day activities, and the requirements which organisations have in regards to this.

About Dynamic Training
Male Counselor

Dynamic Training is an apprenticeship, adult education, and bespoke training specialist. We work with a diverse customer base across a variety of sectors, with a significant presence within the health and care sector. We have grown from strength to strength, organically, through business-to-business recommendations and the strength of our reputation for providing high quality learning and development solutions and delivery.

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