Healthcare Science Associate

Level 4 | 24 Months On Programme Including 3 Months End Point Assessment

Apprenticeship Overview

Healthcare Science Associates are pivotal to the healthcare science workforce, bridging the gap between Healthcare Science Practitioners and Clinical Scientists. They are engaged in a diverse range of essential diagnostic, therapeutic, and monitoring activities, ensuring seamless patient care from the beginning to the end of life. With minimal oversight, they adeptly manage routine technical and scientific tasks across multiple disciplines within healthcare environments such as hospitals and general practices, demonstrating both versatility and expertise in their field.

Our apprenticeship programme is specifically tailored to build upon the existing skills of staff members in these critical roles. It aims to cultivate a high level of proficiency in a variety of technical and scientific procedures, equipping associates to contribute effectively to the multidisciplinary healthcare team. Through this programme, apprentices will acquire advanced knowledge and practical experience that not only meets but surpasses industry standards, setting them on a path toward a flourishing career in healthcare science while ensuring their role significantly enhances the quality and safety of patient care.

The Healthcare Science Associate Pathways

The Healthcare Science Associate apprenticeship consists of six core pathways to choose from that are structured to develop learners in a healthcare science role, specific to their area of expertise.

Dynamic Training are happy to support other pathways through a bespoke model that supports niche roles. Please contact us to discuss your departments individual needs.

  • General Pathway
  • Life Sciences Pathway
  • Sleep Science & Respiratory Pathway
  • Cardiology Pathway
  • Ophthalmology Pathway – delivered in partnership with Moorfields Eye Hospital
  • Decontamination Pathway – delivered in partnership with Eastwood Park


  • Healthcare Science Assistant Apprenticeship – Pass, Merit or Distinction
  • English and maths (if not exempt, flexibilities are available)
  • Level 4 Diploma in Healthcare Science

Professional Recognition

This standard aligns with the following professional recognition:

  • Academy for Healthcare Science for Healthcare Science Associate Register (non-accredited)
  • The Science Council for Registered Science Technician (RSciTech)


After completing this apprenticeship, we encourage learners to consider the following programmes if they wish to progress further:

Entry Requirements

To be eligible for a Healthcare Apprenticeship, the learner needs to have been residing in the UK or the EEA, for the past three years and be able to commit to the apprenticeship programme’s full duration. Note that certain types of immigration statuses/permissions may still be eligible. The learners job role should also fit with the programme modules. If the learner does not have a level 2 or equivalent in English and maths, they will need to work towards achieving these qualifications as part of their apprenticeship. Additional entry requirements may also be needed for programmes at level 3 and above i.e. a level of previous experience or pre-requisite qualifications or CPD (Continued Professional Development) i.e. the Care Certificate.

Apprenticeship Journey

Months 1 to 9

Orientation Workshop

Effective Communication

The Legal & Ethical Context Of Healthcare Science

Health, Safety & Security

Quality, Audit, Research & Development

Working In A Technical Environment

Months 10 to 12

Teaching, Training & Assessing

Leadership, Teamwork & Mentoring

Your Pathway Of Choice:

Life Sciences

General Healthcare Science


Cardiac Physiology

Sleep Science & Respiratory


Mock End Point Assessment

Including Workshops As Required

Months 13 to 15

Tripartite Meeting
Check Knowledge, Skills & Behaviours learnt of whole programme

End Point Assessment
1. Observation with Questions
2. Professional Discussion

Pathway-Specific Units

General Healthcare Science

Leadership, Teamwork & Mentoring

Scientific Basis of Healthcare Science: Clinical Science

Scientific Basis of Healthcare Science: Epidemiology & Public Health (Optional)

Scientific Basis of Healthcare Science: Mathematics, Statistics & Physical Sciences

Point of Care Testing (Optional)

The Building Blocks of Life

Scientific Basis of Medical Physics (Optional)

Life Sciences

Unit selection can be customised to the role/service, but may include:

Anatomy, Histology & Physiology of the Respiratory System

Scientific Basis of Respiratory Disorders of Sleep

Spirometry & Bronchodilator Response in Adults

Measurement of Single Breath Transfer

Sleep Diagnostics

Spirometry, Static Lung Volumes & Bronchodilator Response in Children

Measuring Peripheral Oxygen Saturation

Measurement of Static Lung Volumes in Adults

Effective Communication

Decontamination Pathway

Scientific Basis of Healthcare Science: Clinical Science

Scientific Basis of Healthcare Science: Mathematics, Statistics & Physical Sciences

The Building Blocks of Life

General Laboratory Practice

Scientific Basis of Medical Physics (Optional)

Decontamination via Eastwood Park

Principles & Practice of Decontamination Science

Preparation of Medical Devices for the Cleaning & Disinfection Process

Cleaning & Disinfection of Medical Devices: Manual Processes

Inspection, Assembly & Packaging of Medical Devices in a Controlled Environment

Terminal Processing Including Sterilisation & High-Level Disinfection

Testing, Maintenance & Breakdown Management of Decontamination Equipment

Ophthalmology via Moorfields

Assisting in the Recording of Visual Evoked Potentials (Optional)

Assist in the Recording Visual Electrophysiological Investigations (Optional)

Ophthalmic Pharmacology

Instil Eye Medication for Purpose of Investigation or Treatment

Anatomy, Physiology & Pathophysiology of the Visual System

Imaging the Posterior Segment of the Eye

Measuring Visual Acuity

Visual Field Assessment

Measure Optical Prescriptions & Refractive Error


Scientific Basis of Cardiovascular, Respiratory and Sleep Science: Cardiac Embryology, Anatomy and Physiology

Recognising ECG Abnormalities in Adults or Recognising ECG Abnormalities in Children

Ambulatory ECG Monitoring

Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring

Assist in Cardiac Stress Testing or Introduction to Autonomic Science

Watch The Information Session For This Apprenticeship

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The Apprenticeship Process

  • Apprentices are allocated a Dynamic Training Skills & Development Coach who will support and guide them for the duration of their apprenticeship
  • The apprenticeship programme will be delivered as blended learning, which consists of both online and face to face delivery
  • Apprentices need to have good internet access and a suitable device such as a laptop, or tablet to work on
  • Microsoft Teams is used for coaching sessions (one-to-one) and for taught sessions (group)
  • During your apprenticeship programme, apprentices participate in training, development and ongoing review activities which include:
    • Induction (specific to the apprentices’ workplace)
    • Taught training sessions
    • Internal continuous professional development
    • Mentoring/buddy support
    • Completion of a portfolio of evidence
    • Tripartite progress reviews with the line manager/mentor and the assigned Dynamic Training Skills and Development Coach

Frequently Asked Apprenticeship Questions

Apprenticeships are open to anyone aged 16 or over, entitled to live in England and who are no longer in full time education.

Whether they are starting their working career or are already in the workplace looking to upskill or retrain, apprenticeships can provide an opportunity to increase skills and knowledge.

As there is no upper age limit, apprenticeships can be a great way for working professionals to help achieve career progression or for career changers to learn a new profession.

With an apprenticeship, employees have a fantastic opportunity to learn, gaining industry desired skills and knowledge and behaviours in the workplace.

Apprentices can be employed as a new apprentice on a fixed term contract or you they can be an existing member of staff who would like to upskill or retrain.

Once an apprentice starts their programme, they are allocated a Skills & Development Coach from Dynamic Training, who will support them for the duration of their training and ensure they are ready for end point assessment.

Additionally, employers are expected to provide apprentices with a workplace mentor who is normally a senior member of staff, but who is not the apprentices' direct manager.

Working hours vary depending on the employer, however the minimum duration of an apprenticeship (12 months) is based on an apprentice working 30 paid hours per week. For apprentices working less hours, the apprenticeship duration must be extended.

You can find out more about off-the-job training from the below page which fully breaks down how many hours an apprenticeship requires.

Off-The-Job Training

For existing staff members, their existing rate of pay will not be affected.

For new entrant employed as an apprentice, The National Living Wage now applies to those aged 23 and over.

Apprentices are entitled to the National Minimum Wage, the current minimum rate for an apprentice is £5.28 per hour (as of April 2023). This rate applies to apprentice's aged 16 to 18 and those aged 19 or over who are in their first year of their apprenticeships.

If they are over 19 and have completed the first 12 months of their apprenticeship programme, they will be entitled to the current National Minimum Wage rate.

Apprentices must be paid for normal hours of work and any training that is part of the apprenticeship.


23 and over

21 to 22

18 to 20

Under 18


April 2023






Example A

An apprentice aged 22 in the first year of their apprenticeship is entitled to a minimum hourly rate of £5.28.

Apprentices are entitled to the minimum wage for their age if they:

  • are aged 19 or over and have completed the first year of their apprenticeship

Example B

An apprentice aged 22 who has completed the first year of their apprenticeship is entitled to a minimum hourly rate of £10.18.

With the introduction of standards, Higher apprenticeships are now accessible to degree holders as long as the apprenticeship is in an unrelated subject to the existing degree.

Dynamic Training partners with employers to assist in the recruitment of apprentices and our current apprenticeship vacancies are listed on our website under apprenticeship vacancies.

Alternatively, you are able to search and apply for all apprenticeship vacancies using the National Apprenticeship Service website

Already Working: If you are looking to complete your apprenticeship with your current employer, first talk to your line manager about the opportunity to start an apprenticeship. We will gladly then talk to your employer about the options available to get you started.

Find out more about apprenticeships and answer your questions by exploring our comprehensive explanation of apprenticeships.

Apprenticeships Explained

Enquire About This Apprenticeship Programme

How To Get In Touch...

Unit 7, Brook Business Centre,
Cowley Mill Road,

Phone: 020 8607 7850


About Apprenticeships
Apprenticeship Learners

How do apprenticeships work? What is required from employers and the apprentices themselves during the apprenticeship process?

Let us answer all your questions about apprenticeships, the apprenticeship process and how to enrol staff onto an apprenticeship programme.

About Dynamic Training
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Dynamic Training cares deeply about creating an inclusive and accessible enviroment for our learners. We have a proud record of getting the best out of every learner and adjusting our training to suit their particular learning needs.

Learn more about how Dynamic Training has provided a positive and accessible learning environment.

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