Upcoming Event: Accessible Apprenticeships - Communities of Practice Workshops

By Oliver Hill

Dynamic Training are excited to announce that we are hosting a series of online workshops on accessible apprenticeships, funded by the Education and Training Foundation.

At Dynamic Training, are dedicated to ensuring that apprenticeships are inclusive and accessible for everyone. We believe that diversity is a strength, and we're here to support learners with various learning disabilities, physical disabilities, neurodivergence, additional learning needs, mental health challenges, and autism throughout their apprenticeship experience. Events such as these are a great opportunity for us to put our passion in this area to good use, partnering with organisations and institutions who share our passion and vision for accessibility. 

You can find out more about accessible apprenticeships, and our passion in this area of adult education, from the accessible apprenticeships page on our website.

To hear about our other events or accessible apprenticeships, you can view our blog or follow us on LinkedIn or Facebook.

About The Event

Hosted Online | From The 24th Of October

Join us for a series of insightful online workshops from October to January 2024, funded by the Education and Training Foundation and delivered by Dynamic Training. These workshops are designed for service leads in local authorities and other sectors interested in enhancing employment opportunities for individuals with SEND through accessible apprenticeships.

Our Communities of Practice workshops aim to empower key staff within local authorities to build robust systems and partnerships that facilitate successful employment opportunities for individuals with SEND. Through peer-to-peer learning, participants will explore strategies for creating successful partnerships between employers and support organisations.

Workshop Schedules And Breakdown

Workshop 1:
24th October 2024, 1:00pm - 2:00pm

Overview of accessibility within apprenticeships and its benefits.

Workshop 2:
21st November 2024, 1:00pm - 2:00pm

Explore your local apprenticeship landscape and stakeholder opportunities.

Workshop 3:
5th December 2024, 1:00pm - 2:00pm

Learn to plan and execute an accessible apprenticeship pilot.

Workshop 4:
16th January, 1:00pm - 2:00pm

Strategies for widening employer engagement post-pilot.

Why Should I Attend These Sessions?

  • To gain insight into accessible apprenticeship frameworks.
  • To network with peers and industry leaders.
  • To learn from successful case studies and real-world examples.

Keynote Speaker: Jonathan Smith

We are thrilled to have Jonathan Smith as our guest speaker for the Communities of Practice workshops. Jonathan brings a wealth of experience and expertise in the field of accessible apprenticeships through his work within a Local Authority.

Jonathan is a qualified Careers Advisor with a proven track record in government administration and background in the SEND arena. He a committed apprenticeship ambassador, who inspires and motivates young people to realise their true potential.

Through his current role, he is dedicated to developing ambitious employment pathways and fostering community inclusion, whilst breaking down barriers and creating inclusive opportunities for individuals with SEND. Jonathan's insights and experiences will be invaluable to workshop participants, providing practical tools and strategies for implementing accessible apprenticeship programmes within local authorities.

Join us to learn from Jonathan's expertise and be inspired to drive change within your organisation.

Book Onto This Event

Workshop Schedules And Breakdown

Workshop 1: 24th October 2024, 1:00pm - 2:00pm

Overview of accessibility within apprenticeships and its benefits.


  • Defining what makes an apprenticeship “accessible”
  • Recognising available adjustments
  • Identifying benefits to businesses and individuals
  • Sharing good practice from a Local Authority perspective

Accessible Apprenticeships (explained/the value of)

  • Setting the scene – preventative work (starting the journey at an early age, careers strategies, work experience model, Skills Builder, Vocational Profiling, SEND framework (Talentino)
  • Who is the driving force? - the Local Authorities part to play – embedded into LA E2W offer
  • Visual of key players
  • Pathways to employment feeding in (% of succeeding from Supported Internships/Supported Employment)
  • Adjustments that can be made
  • Outline of costs to a LA (staffing/employer costs)
  • Benefits to the economy of people going into AAs
  • Visual of outline of journey
  • Include case studies as examples throughout
  • Data from Essex as an example and other authorities?


Workshop 2: 21st November 2024, 1:00pm - 2:00pm

Explore your local apprenticeship landscape and stakeholder opportunities.


  • Understanding your current local apprenticeship landscape
  • Establishing a collaborative approach with education and other key stakeholders
  • Recognising the alignment of apprenticeships to other employment pathways
  • Identifying available funding
  • Training provider network – understanding their standards offered
  • SEND Schools and Colleges (awareness within education)
  • Careers Education information and Guidance (upskilling)
  • How SI and SE can support your Accessible Apprenticeship journey (business development/job coaching/natural progression)
  • LMI
  • LA departments and partners e.g., Anchors/Stakeholders/CSV
  • Funding available for businesses
  • New guidance from August 2024
  • Include case studies as examples throughout


Workshop 3: 5th December 2024, 1:00pm - 2:00pm

Learn to plan and execute an accessible apprenticeship pilot.


  • Creating a diverse pipeline of talent
  • Developing inclusive strategies as an apprenticeship employer
  • Identifying and implementing processes required
  • Recognising potential challenges and barriers and how to overcome these
  • Local Authority as an employer (consider Lived Experience teams)
  • Processes - visuals
  • Lesson learned, barriers/challenges and how to overcome them
  • Inclusive recruitment
  • Vocational Profiling and matching to business need/individuals’ strengths
  • Job Coaches (upskilling of own staff)
  • Videos, Case Studies (Daisy/Connell)


Workshop 4: 16th January, 1:00pm - 2:00pm

Strategies for widening employer engagement post-pilot.


  • Accessible apprenticeship strategy – business as usual
  • Employer toolkit
  • Check list to get you started
  • Who can support me? (Supporting organisations)

To hear about our other events or accessible apprenticeships, you can view our blog or follow us on LinkedIn or Facebook.

All of the Apprenticeships and Workshops we offer are purpose-built with accessibility and inclusion in mind. You can view our courses or contact us to find out more about how we can empower you or your workforce with apprenticeships or training programmes.

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Dynamic Training are experts in Healthcare Education. Follow our blog for the latest industry news, insight and advice from industry experts.

Our Apprenticeship Programmes
Training Workshop

Dynamic Training has an expert team of trainers delivering high-quality apprenticeships across the health, social care and business sectors, making sure you get the best out of your workforce.

About Dynamic Training
Apprenticeship Coach With Learners

Dynamic Training cares deeply about creating an inclusive and accessible enviroment for our learners. We have a proud record of getting the best out of every learner and adjusting our training to suit them.

Learn more about how Dynamic Training has provided a positive and inclusive learning environment.

Author image
Published by: Oliver Hill

Job Title: Head of Apprenticeships and Commercial

View LinkedIn Profile